Social Innovation in Spain addresses a considerable number of pressing social issues, such as high unemployment, education and economic, social and cultural integration of the immigrant population. The difficulties of government in supporting a welfare state with wide social coverage, and an increasing demand from civil society for participation and co-creation of common solutions has shifted the balance of action. Spain has seen its largest contributions from actors within the social and solidarity economy, higher education institutions, and citizen-led initiatives.
Social innovation has entered in the public agenda tightly related to public innovation policies and new initiatives to foster a social open innovation model. Regionally, the Basque Country is an early adopter of the term “social innovation” with its incorporation into the Strategic Plan of regional government action.
Want to know what social innovation looks like in Spain? Read contributions from SIS, EMES Network, and University of Barcelona, along with a country summary for the Basque Country from Innobasque!
Read the full reports here:
Report on Social Innovation in Spain (2011)
Social Innovation in the Basque Country (2015)